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Selected Interviews

The 405 Benjamin Finger Interview

We stumbled across Benjamin Finger a few months back during our regular internet trawls for new artists to cover. What struck us most about his style was the way he layered sounds. Take 'Vertigo Neonate' for example; you have a basic layer in the form of the acoustic guitar which drives the song, but on top of that you have a plethora of sounds jumping in and out to keep you interested. This attention to detail really is wonderful and is often lacking with artists of a similar nature. Signed to How Is Annie Records and also one half of Beneva vs. Clark Nova, Benjamin Finger really is one to keep your eye on.

Plastelin Benjamin Finger Interview

Already a director of short films, music videos and animated movies, Frank Benjamin Finger is also one half of the electronica duo Beneva vs. Clark Nova. He started his solo career in 2009. with the album Woods Of Broccoli (How Is Annie Records), this time just as Benjamin Finger. His music cheered up both audience and critics (who recommended his debut album as one of the freshest newcomers lately). For those who haven't heard the record yet, Woods Of Broccoli is a skilled balanced organic-electro-acoustic-vitamin bomb which was indeed something expected from Benjamin, clear from brimming and the accumulate trash of the modern world.

Indie for bunnies 

Ho conosciuto Benjamin Finger per caso, ma quando mi ha fatto ascoltare il suo secondo disco sono entrato in una sorta di trance uditiva. Registrato nella sua Oslo e recensito anche su queste pagine, “For You Sleepsleeper” evoca sogni, incubi, aspettative, allucinazioni, amori falliti, vite sfumate, bicchieri svuotati e rumori lontani. Proprio quando avevo perso totalmente fiducia nel post rock mi sono ritrovato incollato alle casse stereo. Andando indietro nel tempo ho ascoltato il suo debut (“Woods Of Broccoli”) e mi sono convinto definitivamente del talento di uno che sembra avere parecchie cose da dire. Questo è con ogni probabilità, dopo cinque anni, uno dei miei ultimi pezzi scritti per Indieforbunnies ma devo ammettere che sono più che contento di chiudere così. Buona lettura.

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